Well, thank God for the Fall. It's a break from the humidity and I can do more things outside without feeling so drained and weighed down. The
Thanksgiving holiday is just upon us- it's my favorite of the whole year. It's the least commercialized holiday, but of course food is a focal point when family gathers. I did my usual grocery shopping after church and the store had three times as many shoppers. I pray all have a table to sit and eat with loved ones, but and I am mindful that many don't. I pray God will provide for them.
Season of Thanksgiving |
Photo credit:
taliesin from
I hate to see the grass and trees turn from green to shades of orange, yellow and brown, but the scenery is spectacular. Life is about change. The leaves will all soon fall and only the evergreen trees will supply greenery in this part of the country until next Spring.
thankful for so much. So much so that it's mind-boggling. I've got so much more than I need, that I need to have a yard sell to get rid of stuff. I wanted to simplify my life this year. I've made a stab at it, but still have a ways to go. I've given away many unused things to friends whom I thought would find them useful and I had some stuff set up at a friend's yard sell and sold and gave away a good deal of stuff, but not everything sold. I really do want to purge my life of things so I can concentrate on the important things I want to do, and that's to make use of the hours in the day to be of service to those I love and mostly to be about God's work. The Good News needs to be shared. I sincerely hope my life and the words I speak, the actions I take, and the words I write or type all point to Jesus. I ask the Lord to direct my steps and to be an instrument for His use. My life is His and my heart belongs to Him. I am no way perfect while living in this body with faults and imperfections, but try to make use of the days for Him and be responsible as a citizen, daughter, friend, and neighbor.
No matter what is going on, each day is closer to the day of the
Lord's return. People are still getting married, cheering their favorite football team, hunting, shopping, working, vacationing, partying, and partaking of daily activities, myself included. But the signs are all around in nature and in the news that the days are growing nearer and nearer to the Lord's return just as it reads in the Bible. Life goes on, but there is an urgency I sense. I remember when I was probably around age 5 or so, before my brother was born, one of my grandmother telling me the Lord will soon be knocking at the door. I believed her. I was ready and could imagine Jesus coming to knock at my door, and I would invite Him in and we'd have a real nice visit. Well, Jesus knocked at the door of my heart and I invited Him in and I've never been the same since. For some time I didn't answer the door. I don't now why I didn't,
being stupid I guess. But the night of St. Patrick's Day in 1985, I'll never forget, my brother died, I swung that door to my heart wide open and invited Jesus in for good. See, I knew about Him, but
I wanted to know Him personally and have Him in my life, not on the outside, but the inside. I've very thankful and blessed and so happy He didn't give up on me. Now each day I open my eyes, I have another day to
thank Him for so much. My life is enriched with so many good friends and a close church family do devoted to serving the local community and a few missionaries around the world seeing to spreading the Good News about Jesus. In all, God gives me just what I need. I can't ask for any thing more.
In prayer |
Photo credit:
taliesin from
The man in the photo above was either in
prayer with the Lord, or deep in thought. He may have even be crying. Regardless, we all face needs and challenges, sometimes for a season or two we're in serious need of intervention or help of some sort. No matter what that need may be, there is still cause for
thanks. No matter what, God promises to never leave nor forsake His children. With Him, there is always hope. That's something to always be
thankful for. And all
thanks goes to the Lord. He gets all my
I hope you've opened your heart when Jesus knocks. He is The Way, the Truth and the Light, without a doubt.
I give
thanks every day. I could write a series of encyclopedias giving
thanks to the Lord. To me it's always a Thanksgiving Day.