The path to peace can only be reached through peaceful means.
I believe it's self-defeating to want peace, but go about killing and murdering thinking that will bring peace.

Photo credit:
pippalou from
Killing can't bring about peace. If so, give me one instance of killers living peacefully.
peace isn't actually the goal for those who resort to killing in the name of peace.
Peace is having no conflict or quarrels with others.
Peace is living in harmony without the threat of fear.
The Earth is inhabited with many people living on different continents. I can confidently say all people wish to live in peace rather than live in fear or in threat of being killed for their beliefs.
Killing is not the way any person should go about to have no conflict or quarrel with others or to live in harmony without the threat of fear.
The killing one person, a group of people or wanting to annihilate a certain race is not going to bring about peace.
Being a murderer, for whatever reason a person has to against someone else does not guarantee a peaceful existence once you've gotten rid of who you think is preventing you from having peace.
No one should go about demanding change upon another person.
It's impossible to change all the different people and all their customs and beliefs that are different from yours. The way they live their life doesn't have anything to do with you having peace.
That would be the equivalent of all birds except blue birds must not be allowed to fly.
That's impossible and who'd want only one color of bird in the world?
This earth is home to diverse groups of people speaking different languages, with different ways of dress and dance and customs and shades of skin coloring and hair textures and religious beliefs.
One group of people aren't better than another and shouldn't hate or make demands to submit or change and take up another way through fear, intimidation or harm of any sort.
Wanting to kill someone because they don't wish to conform to a certain set of rules will never
bring about any real, just or sustainable peace.
Manipulation, physical force, brutalizing and killing, fear and intimidation only gives birth to more hatred and evil, not peace.
Peace is painted with strokes of love.
Loveliness and peacefulness make a lovely, attractive scene, blending in harmony without conflict or fear.
There is only one way to attain, experience or usher in peace- it's done with love.
(See my other blog entry- 'The source of Peace')