I haven't been blogging regularly and that bothers me because I like to write my thoughts.
I have too many daily 'to-dos' on my plate, so some things get put off for a while.
Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've gotten an email from one of my favorite writers.
Maybe he's not been writing regularly either. His book,"Out Where the Buses Don't Run', is good.
Life seems to get crazier and busier in spite of all the modern conveniences we have. I don't see
my daily schedule slowing down. And everyone I know seems to be just as busy.
It's mid-afternoon and I haven't been outside to see about the goat. I'm sure she needs water,
and food, of course, even though she has plenty to grass to nibble on. And Zeus. He's 21 years old and he's not doing much more than sleeping day and night.
This is my week of vacation and it's half over and so far I've spent it being downright lazy.
I'm busy all day, but when I look around I can't see what I've been so busy doing.
So I thought I'd make myself a list of things to get done. That didn't work either.
But is has been quiet, relaxing, and I'm enjoying the peacefulness of not having to think about
going in to work. That alone has been delightful for me emotionally and physically. I've been enjoying sleeping at night like a regular person, and waking up when I've had sufficient sleep.
stay-cation has been lovely, however I wanted to get more things accomplished.
I still have a few more days to myself, so if I apply myself I can get a few tangible items accomplished.
Writing this blog is one of a dozen things I want to get done. I still want to clean out my little shed, clean the inside of my vehicles, wash mold off the siding, wash the SunPorch, and pull up weeds in the garden.
And today just happens to be my birthday, though it doesn't feel anything like a birth day should
feel. But that's okay. I'm not complaining. I have received 'Happy Birthday' wishes from five people.

Photo credit:
priyanphoenix from
I need to do something nice for someone on my birthday. That will really make my day.
I must end for now to get busy on my list. And if all goes well, I'll can a few jars of persimmon jam and squash and okra and juice some carrots later. I also want to go through the old family photo album to look for the pictures of me when I was a Camp Fire girl. I'm considering purchasing an old Camp Fire Girl book I saw on Amazon.
I wish I could locate my blue vest with my beads I earned.
I still yearn to have a tepee erected somewhere outside so I can enjoy being inside one whenever I want.

Photo credit:
blondieb38 from
And just maybe one day I will have one.
Thank you Lord for allowing me to be well and enjoy another birthday.