I've discovered a secret in Bonnie's kitchen, and it was confirmed by her. I've written in past posts about Bonnie being a gourmet cook, she can create some culinary masterpieces, and if I had a choice of going on cruise or eating at her table, that's an easy choice. The ship would sail without me 'cause I'm eating at Bonnie's- without a crumb of a doubt ten times more satisfying than any meal served on any cruise ship. I speak from experience. This day, I worked in my yard before going to visit Bonnie and her husband on a cold Sunday December afternoon. She made spaghetti with a meat sauce-perfect to warm up after being out in the cold. I wanted my bowl of spaghetti with extra garlic powder to help me fight off catching a cold. I went into her kitchen to get garlic powder. I found the garlic powder, and a whole lot more. I discovered well over one hundred different spices and herbs hidden in her kitchen cupboards and drawers. These photos show some of the spices I found. She told me she uses them all and it's her secret in making her flavorful gourmet dishes.
In one cupboard alone, I found 48 different spices and herbs |
More spices to flavor those mouth watering dishes |
And this drawer is full of more food flavorings |
I asked if it was alright to take these photos and Bonnie was concerned her cupboards and drawers didn't look neat. I said who cares! I've never seen so many herbs and spices in anyone's kitchen before. So, now, I know her secret for making all her dishes so robustful. I should have known. And now, you know her secret, too.
View my earlier post showing
Bonnie's blue ribbon cake and other goodies. And her
Nature's Notables website.
Now, if you've read my post of my visit to Bonnie's back in October, with photos of Elite Elixir, and my first experiment comparing Elite Elixir with two other skin moisturizers, I've conducted a new experiment. This time I have two accomplices. First, Gilbert was blindfolded so he could only use his sense of touch. On the hands of my second helper, I applied moisturizers, a different one on each hand, which you can see in the photos below. I want you to know Elite Elixir is all I've written it to be and more, and this is more undisputed proof. I have yet to try Elite Elixir to tame my frizzy hair, which I've heard it will do. That will be another experiment to conduct. But for now, the photos below prove while blind folded, Elite Elixir can be detected on the hand that felt moisturized the best. The photos don't lie and Gilbert had his eyes closed beneath that blindfold.
Gilbert, my eager blind-folded participant | | | |
Gilbert chose the Elite Elixir moisturized hand while blindfolded
This concludes the experiment.
This experiment was performed not harming any cute animals. Gilbert said he chose the hand that felt silky smooth. Thank you Gilbert for being a willing participant on the spur of the moment. A few minutes later I had to have a feel for myself and I report without bias, there really was a noticeable difference comparing both hands of my second participant in this experiment. I say Elite Elixir is again the clear winner.
(And for heavens sake. Elite Elixir is for your skin not to be put in your eyes or eaten. And if you have some reaction to it, by all means stop using it. The ingredients are listed on the jars. Just as you have other items in your home, keep then out of reach of small children. Be responsible and use only as directed only.)
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